Age 6 : Climbing trees and running pointlessly can make you feel very happy.
Age 7 : You cant tease your class teacher,otherwise you are beaten black and blue.
Age 8 : Cats don't like to drink milk with bournvita in it.
Age 9 : Its very important to perform,there's is no space for shyness,if not sing,share a joke.
Age 10 : When you don't know the answer,the teacher is bound to throw a question at you.
Age 11: If you own a cricket bat, you can be the captain and the batsman all the time.
Age 12 : Always being the new girl can make you feel irritated.
Age 13 : Making planners and time tables just before you sleep can make you feel happy,but the truth is that they don't work
Age 14 : Graham Bell is the most awesome inventor.[He invented the telephone]
Age 15 : The coolest thing is to drive a bike.
Age 16 : Friends are the treasures of life.
Age 17 : Maths is a huge ugly monster and can give you nightmares.
Age 18 : Failure is something you look at positively and it will teach you everything.
Age 19 : Things like stationary,colours,and stuff can also make you happy.
Age 20 : If you don't have the strength of going against the wave,simply go with the wave, at least you are moving.
Age 21 : Socialising and Public Relations are the most important things, and you cant afford to forget them.
Age 22 : In bad times,just compare yourself with people who are not as blessed as you.
Age 23 : Its great fun to watch movies between two exam papers.
Age 24 : Thinking about the past is not going to change it,and worrying about the future will not help it
Age 25 : You should be in the right place at the right time
Age 7 : You cant tease your class teacher,otherwise you are beaten black and blue.
Age 8 : Cats don't like to drink milk with bournvita in it.
Age 9 : Its very important to perform,there's is no space for shyness,if not sing,share a joke.
Age 10 : When you don't know the answer,the teacher is bound to throw a question at you.
Age 11: If you own a cricket bat, you can be the captain and the batsman all the time.
Age 12 : Always being the new girl can make you feel irritated.
Age 13 : Making planners and time tables just before you sleep can make you feel happy,but the truth is that they don't work
Age 14 : Graham Bell is the most awesome inventor.[He invented the telephone]
Age 15 : The coolest thing is to drive a bike.
Age 16 : Friends are the treasures of life.
Age 17 : Maths is a huge ugly monster and can give you nightmares.
Age 18 : Failure is something you look at positively and it will teach you everything.
Age 19 : Things like stationary,colours,and stuff can also make you happy.
Age 20 : If you don't have the strength of going against the wave,simply go with the wave, at least you are moving.
Age 21 : Socialising and Public Relations are the most important things, and you cant afford to forget them.
Age 22 : In bad times,just compare yourself with people who are not as blessed as you.
Age 23 : Its great fun to watch movies between two exam papers.
Age 24 : Thinking about the past is not going to change it,and worrying about the future will not help it
Age 25 : You should be in the right place at the right time
Dear Ujju, What you have learnt in your Twenty Five years, some times takes a life time for others.What you say is right, Failure is one great teacher.
you have described your whole life in just a few lines.....now that is what i like the most about u!!!!!!
but i still cant stop imagining about the cat's expression after having the bournvita milk........did u actually try that????????
girl, i really love this post! haha! awesome!
lol interesting piece of writing. really liked it! :)
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