They say what cant be said by words, can be expressed through eyes.
whats the language of eyes..
There are all kinds of eyes..
There are eyes full of hope,
Some full of questions wanting to pierce through you.
There are shy eyes, some mischievous.
There are smiling eyes or some even full of disappointments.
The same set of eyes can speak so much.
When they look down, you know they are guilty,
When they are full of tears but refuse to let them free, you know they are hiding something sad.
When they look through the corners, you know they are interested in you.
and..when they look directly into yours you know they love you.
To feel all this, you need to open your eyes and observe and not just see....
I loved it yaar...Too Good...
masttttt..... awesm sundri.... hmmm didnt know dat u r a poet too ... loved it.....
Good one- Isn't it true that eyes are windows to one's soul!
hey good one ujwala...
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